Vaguely inspired... vaguely middle school...
Saturday, January 25, 2003

For some reason this page has attempted to disappear. This is a nothing post just to see if I can make the rest of the page come back.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003


I have never in my life been so uncomfortable.
corner of hip bone grinding through six inch
foam padding into long neglected but quaint
hard wood floor.

The air doesn't move around us, not even in
front of my face as I try to breath out from my
body some of the heat that has gotten trapped

And your hand has found mine again, arms wound
under one shared pillow. Your fingers balance in the
air, your elbow a perfect right angle under either my
head or yours.

From there your pinkie finger has dipped to meet the
top of my hand; also attempting to venture from the
cramped meeting of bodies and clothes and one thick
dark comforter.

It is accidental. The fingers the hand the meeting the
event. But it is real.

layout name: express yourself -- layout by: nyokiglitter